親子で楽しめる英語の歌をご紹介します。メリーさんの羊は日本でもおなじみですが、その歌詞までご存知でしょうか。 とても健気な羊のお話です。 一体なぜ羊はメリーさんのことが好きなのでしょうか?
メリーさんの羊(Mary Had A Little Lamb)
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day
He followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rule.
He followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rule.
It made the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out, turned it out, turned it out
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near.
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near.
And waited patiently about, ly about, ly about
And waited patiently about,
Till Mary did appear.
And waited patiently about,
Till Mary did appear.
“Why does the lamb love Mary so? Mary so? Mary so?”
“Why does the lamb love Mary so?”
The eager children cry.
“Why does the lamb love Mary so?”
The eager children cry.
“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know, lamb you know, lamb you know”
“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.”,
The teacher did reply.
“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.”,
The teacher did reply.
メリーさんの羊はアメリカの童謡で、本当の出来事になぞらえて詩人のSarah Josepha Haleさんが綴ったものです。誰もが親しめるメロディーであるという理由から、トーマス・エジソンが初めて蓄音機に録音した曲でもあります。
外国人ベビーシッターもよくこの歌をうたいます。特に”Mary”の”R”と”Little Lamb”の”L”の聞き分けは日本人にとっては難しいため、子供の頃から聴き慣れておくのが良いかもしれません。