Interviewing a Babysitter -File 6-

My thoughts on doing an English part time job in Tokyo

More than just teaching English to the children I looked after, I wanted them to see me as an older sister rather than a teacher. When I came to Japan, I was always interested in what family life was like. The families introduced me to many things I had no idea about or were very curious to know about my country, such as its education and diet.

I found it very interesting to talk to the children and to get to know their personalities, what they liked and disliked and their learning abilities. The children I looked after were very intelligent and able to clearly understand more than half of what they learnt from the books I read them or the conversations we had. Meeting and talking with them every week was great and I hope they still remember me when I come to visit them again.

Message written by a British babysitter, who worked with Little Hug since December 2017. She showed much creativity in executing her work. Thank you very much for your hard work and supporting us!
