Interviewing a Babysitter -File 5-

My thoughts on doing an English part time job in Tokyo

What I liked most about babysitting:
During my time at Little Hug all the children I have met have been bright, eager to play and to learn English together. When I first met N-chan she was only just learning a few words and phrases in English, but now she can easily respond to questions and write the whole alphabet herself! H-chan, while a little shy at first, soon opened up about his love of Lego, cars, and playing marbles through imaginary role-play games. M-chan and T-chan were only beginning English study when I first met them, but now T-chan can answer some English questions and M-chan enjoys explaining about his two passions – Lego and Star Wars. Through building relationships with each of child I have had the pleasure of watching them grow in their knowledge of English and to see the excitement it brings when they learn new ways to express themselves.
What I enjoyed about working at Little Hug:
Working at Little Hug has been very fulfilling – building a relationship with the children and their families and watching them grow in all facets of life has been a wonderful experience for me during my time here. All the families have been very warm and welcoming, and meeting them has vastly contributed to how much I have enjoyed my Japanese experience.
The job itself is also very flexible and convenient for those who are studying or looking to explore both Tokyo and wider Japan, and the work itself takes you many places around the Tokyo area that as a tourist you would not usually visit. Also, getting to know the children and their families lets you see what everyday Japanese daily life is like, which whether you are a student, traveller, or worker in Japan is always a new and interesting experience.

Message written by a Australian babysitter, who worked with Little Hug January 2016 – July 2017. She did not only perform babysitting, but also conducted childcare events with a lot of creative activities. Thank you very much for your hard work and supporting us!
