- 2018-09-02
- 2019-07-30
Interviewing a Babysitter -File 9-
My thoughts on doing an English part time job in Tokyo Why I decided to teach children English When I decided I was going to move to Japan for a worki […]
My thoughts on doing an English part time job in Tokyo Why I decided to teach children English When I decided I was going to move to Japan for a worki […]
My thoughts on doing an English part time job in Tokyo What is the difference between school teacher and babysitter? When I arrived in Japan, I didn […]
My thoughts on doing an English part time job in Tokyo Why did you work as a babysitter in Japan This was the first time I lived outside of my country […]
How I found a job and spent time in Japan What was the difficult point for finding jobs? When I came to Japan, I was really new here and I could not s […]
To all the mothers from Australia who now live in Tokyo raising your children. Have you considered using a babysitting service and give you a break fo […]
子供の小さいうちは英会話(聞く力と話す力)を中心に英語にふれたいですが、英語初心者の場合にはまずはボキャブラリーを増やさなければ自分の思いを表現できません。英語の絵本の読み聞かせを通して、少しずつ英単語も学びたいものです。下記にご紹介する絵本はどれも色彩豊かで、幼児期の子供にぴったり。親子で一緒に英 […]
Working as a Babysitter and English Teacher in Osaka When I first arrived in Osaka I had a lot of difficulty adjusting to the culture while trying to […]
My Time with the Little Hug Family I spent one and half year in Japan during one of the most difficult times in the last few years. The time, when COV […]
Thoughts on Working as a Babysitter in Japan Working as a babysitter is perhaps not the first thought that comes to mind when thinking of working in J […]
子どもの学習や習い事をサポートしてくれる教育シッター。 忙しいけど、子どもの教育はしっかり取り組みたいママやパパの中には、気になっている方も多いのではないでしょうか?しかし、 教育シッターって何? いくらぐらいかかるの? どんなことをしてくれるの? このようにさまざまな疑問が浮かんできますよね。 そ […]